THE FEEL GOOD ULTRA – this is ultra trail running at its best!
Saturday 13 September 2025
Imagine standing at the foot of some of Australia’s tallest coastal cliffs with the low tide of the Southern Ocean lapping at your feet and ahead of you lies a magical 100km and 50km journey along Victoria’s surf coast and wildflower hinterland.
With the training behind you and celebration of race day ahead of you – this will be a journey that will change your life.
Set yourself the goal, achieve something great and gain that post race satisfaction from doing something awesome with friends.
We welcome you to be part of all this and more in 2025!
I was part of a relay team and I did the 4th Leg. It was amazing, the trail was interesting and changed to different scenery multiple times. The trail was well marked and easy to follow; the atmosphere amongst competitors was super positive and supportive too. Can’t wait to come back next year! (Sarah, 2024 Relay Team Member)
I had a great time at the Surf Coast Century 50km. Such a varied running experience from wet clay to hard packed surfaces. Great scenery along the way and lots of conversations with other participants.
(Shane, 2022 Participant)

- 100km solo ultra marathon
- 50km solo ultra marathon – Legs 1 & 2 of the 100km course (reinstated in 2024)
- 100km relay for teams of 2, 3 or 4
Saturday 13 September 2025
Start / Finish in Anglesea, Victoria, on the Great Ocean Road
Australia’s elite and experienced runners (the course is fast!), amateur runners, and those tackling their first ultra marathon.

The most incredible course I have run to date. Running on the beach at dawn and sunrise through bells and winki pop will leave a lasting memory. (Morgan, 2023 100km Solo Participant)
Event Features:
We LOVE THIS EVENT and have a range of new and exciting features to roll out again – making it another great Century! These include:
- Enhanced Athlete Recovery Zone at the finish line area
- NEW start procedure to minimise congestion on the course
- NEW Feel Good Ambassador Program
- First Timer Recognition amplified!
- Celebration Sunday with range of rest + recovery activities the day after racing
- $2,000 for a record breaking team
- Strava training club and Facebook group
- Boat Ramp Battle on Sunday with NEW handicap system so anyone can win (not just Tom Dade the machine!)
- Pasta Night at the local Anglesea Hotel
- Female equity initiatives, including pregnancy policy, female toilets, menstrual products on course, baby change table and more
Great scenery along the way and lots of conversations with other participants. (Shane, 2024 100km Participant)
The course
If the course can be summed up in two words it would be ‘spectacular’ and ‘diverse’. There’s clifftop trails providing endless ocean views. There’s single track weaving hinterland bush, wild flowers, waterfalls, lighthouses, beaches and amidst jaw-dropping landscapes.
We have stopped at nothing to secure the best possible course for this race. And we’ve included all the secret spots that few people know about since the race is in our own backyard (Rapid Ascent is based in Torquay).
The course provides plenty of variety to keep you interested and excited. Not to mention easy access for spectators and support crews and professional support from event officials.
Do it solo or in a relay team
100KM – solo and relay teams
The 100km format can completed by individuals and relay teams.
- Individuals: one person completing the full 100km
- Relay teams of 2*: two people who share the four legs between them, interchanging only at the designated transition areas. Each runner may do consecutive legs, or break it up and do alternate legs and then hand over to their team mate who does a leg who then hands back and so forth.
- Relay teams of 3 or 4*: this may be four people who each do one leg, or a team of 3 where one person does 2 legs and the others do 1 leg each.
*Can your relay team go under 7 hours? You could WIN $2000 CASH, details HERE
50KM – solo only
Individual runners only (no relay teams for the 50km). In 2025, the 50km Half Century course will be held over the FIRST HALF of the 100km course, over Leg 1 and Leg 2 – last used in 2016 and reinstated in 2024.
Kids Run (2.5km)
A 2.5km run around the Anglesea Beach and River for kids on Sunday morning. Well over 100+ enthusiastic kids take part in this spectacle event that gives our junior runners aged up to 12 years the chance have a go. Click Here for KIDS RUN details.

Boat Ramp Battle
Part of Celebration Sunday, held just after Presentations. The Boat Ramp Battle replaced the Concrete Shoe Award in 2021.
In 2025, the event will be handicapped for a more ‘even’ playing field. OPEN to any runner who completes the 100km solo.

Read more about it HERE.
Ideal event for first timers
The Surf Coast Century is recognised as the ideal event for runners tackling their first ultra marathon. We take pleasure in providing a whole range of information and resources to help you get started, such as:
- Training programs and free advice from a highly regarded coaches
- Free guided training runs over the entire course in the lead up to the race
- Blog stories and testimonials from other ultra-new-comers to provide you with plenty of inspiration and encouragement
- Gear advice and some fun FAQ’s to help answer all those ‘how do I’ questions.
Amplified Recognition of 2025 First Timer Ultra Runners:
- A bell to ring/gong by the competitor at the Finish Line signifying a first timers first ultra FINISH!
- ‘First timer’ noted on Race Bib
- Name in red/gold on the Centurion Honour Board to highlight first timers (must be entered by 28 August, 2025)
Check out our ‘First Timers’ page for all the information..

ITRA / UTMB qualifying race
The Surf Coast Century individual races are registered with the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) and will provide successful runners with ITRA points (to help runners qualify for large international races). Both the 50km and 100km solo race are UTMB World Series Qualifying events.
100km solo

- ITRA rating: 4 Endurance Points & 2 Mountain Points
50km solo
- ITRA rating: 2 Endurance Points & 2 Mountain Points

For further information on what the ITRA points mean click here.
For more information on the UTMB (Ultra Trail Du Mont Blanc) click here, and the UTMB World Series qualification races and indexation click here.
Western States Endurance Run Qualifying Race

Runners who finish the Surf Coast Century 100km course as a solo runner under 16hrs may use their result as their qualifying race for the Western States Endurance Run (100 mile) ballot.
The Western States 100 is the world’s oldest 100mile trail races and one of the world’s most prestigious running events. To be one of only of only 6 races in the Southern Hemisphere to receive this commendation is a great honour.