Entry Info and Fees

ENTRIES FOR THE 2024 SURF COAST CENTURY ARE NOW OPEN!! (as of 12noon 27th March)

Scroll down or click the index below for entry information. If you have any queries, please contact the Rapid Ascent office via phone: 03 5261 5511 or email [email protected]

2024 Entry Fees

Individual entry fees

Standard EntryLate EntryOn-the-Day
100km Adult $413 $459 $483
100km Junior Un/18 $333 $373 $397
50km Adult $278 $328 $348
50km Junior Un/18 $227 $267 $283
2.5km Meli Kids Run (Sunday)$10$10 $10

 Team entry fees

Standard EntryLate Entry
2 person relay team$513$563$583
Junior team of 2 Un/18 $407$443$467
3 person relay team $523$574$593
Junior team of 3 Un/18 $414$457$477
4 person relay team $533$584$607
Junior team of 4 Un/18 $427$473$487

Entry fee timeframe

Entry levelTimeframe
Standard EntryEntries received between 12:00pm AEDT, Wednesday 27 March 2024 and midnight Sunday 11 August 2024
Late EntryEntries received between Monday 12 August and midnight Thursday 19 September 2024
On-the-dayEntries received in person or online from Friday 20 September 2024 until race start.

Entry Incentives


Enter during the first month of entries opening – get a FREE BUFF! This is for all entrants, team or solo, that enter between 12:00pm AEDT, Wednesday 27 March and 11:59am AEDT, Tuesday 30 April.


Are you a past solo participant from the last 3 years of the Surf Coast Century (2021, 2022 & 2023)? To recognise and reward our solo past participants, we encourage you to enter the 2024 edition of the event as a solo runner again and you’ll score yourself a FREE FLASK! (Solo past participants must be entered prior to 1 July, 2024)

Entry Benefits

Runners entering the Surf Coast Century will receive the following as part of their entry fee:

  • Fully marked, marshaled course
  • Finisher steins for 100km runners finishing under 12hrs (1lt) or 16hrs (500ml)
  • Finisher medal – for 100km solos, 50km solos and all relay team members
  • Access to the food and beverages available from the Race Kitchens and Water Points located around the course
  • Professional medical support on course
  • Professional electronic timing and results
  • Access to all training information, free training runs and info sessions
  • Event photographer along the course to capture your finest moments
  • Opportunity to win a random prizes at the presentations after the race

Event T-shirts for sale

Rapid Ascent highly values the natural environment where we run, walk and live.  As part of our continued commitment to environmental preservation and sustainability we are reducing the amount of event merchandise we provide at our events. This in turn reduces our consumption of event resources and waste going to landfill.

Introduced in 2022, in lieu of all competitors receiving a t-shirt as part of your entry fee, Rapid Ascent will be making a cash donation to The Friends of the Eastern Otways. Read more HERE.

The 2024 event t-shirt is an optional purchase item during your online registration; plus other merchandise. View Here. T-shirt orders must be placed by August 5th so we minimise wastage.

2024 design coming soon.

UTMB Qualifying Race & ITRA Points

The 50km and 100km Surf Coast Century races are both registered with the UTMB as an official qualifying race for the UTMB World Series with a value of 3 points. The Surf Coast Century is awarded 2 Finisher level and 2 Mountain Points (ITRA points). For further information on UTMB click here.

Western States Endurance Run Qualifying Race

Runners who finish the Surf Coast Century 100km course as a solo runner under 16hrs may use their result as their qualifying race for the Western States Endurance Run (100 mile) ballot in 2023.

Team Management

To manage the members of your team (eg. swap members, change details…) follow these steps:

  • Log into your Race Roster account here
  • Under ‘Recent Registration’, click view registration for the Surf Coast Century
  • Click the Teams tab at the top of the page

Here the Team Captain will be able to:

  • Enable the option to receive email notifications when a new member registers
  • Find and share your Team entry IRL
  • View important details regarding your team members

You will also be able to:

  • Edit Team Name
  • Edit Team Information
  • Send a message to your team members which they can view on their dashboard
  • Export your team list as a CSV file.

Under 18yrs Participants’ Entry Policy

Rapid Ascent believes junior runners should be given the opportunity to compete in challenging adventure sports events so long as they have sufficient experience, the appropriate framework is in place on race day and the necessary support on hand to help if required. As such, Rapid Ascent has placed the following guidelines and requirements on competitors under the age of 18yrs in the Surf Coast Century:

For under 18yrs runners wanting to do one leg of the Surf Coast Century (i.e. min 23km), Rapid Ascent requires that the participant provides evidence that they have:

  • Run at least 20km in less than 3hrs within 6 weeks of the race – preferably off road
  • Completed training program lasting at least 8 weeks that meets our expectations (roughly similar to the training program on our website here). Training program and diary to be submitted to Rapid Ascent for approval no later than seven days before the event
  • Participated in at least 2 trail running races between 10km and 20km in the 2 months leading up (suggest the Trail Running Series long course events)

For under 18yrs runners wanting to compete in the either the 50km or 100km Surf Coast Century as a solo runner, Rapid Ascent requires that the participant provides evidence that they have:

  • NOTE: If a race official considers that an underage athlete is in distress at any point in the race, then the athlete must be seen by a member of the event medical team who will determine if they are fit to continue.
  • Complete a training run of at least 5hrs in length within 3 months of the race – preferably off road. (50km requirement is to complete a training run of at least 4hrs in length within 2 months of the race)
  • Complete a training program lasting at least 12 weeks that meets our expectations (roughly similar to the training program on our website). Training program to be submitted for approval at least 12 weeks prior to the race.
  • Training diary (we suggest a link to your Strava actrivities) to be submitted from 10 weeks before race day onwards so we can see if the training program is being followed
  • Participated in at least 2 trail running races between 10km and 20km in the 2 months leading up to the event
  • Submitted a hydration and nutrition plan for what they will consume during the race, along with safeguard measures to ensure that it is followed during the race
  • Supplied a doctors certificate saying that they are have no known medical conditions that should limit them from tackling and completing the 100km (or 50km) event solo
  • Rapid Ascent has spoken with the participant and their parents to discuss what is involved with running 100km (or 50km).
  • NOTE: If a race official considers that an underage athlete is in distress at any point in the race, then the athlete must be seen by a member of the event medical team who will determine if they are fit to continue.

We ask that any under-age runner wanting to participant in the Surf Coast Century calls us to discuss their intentions and these requirements prior to entering.


Refund Policy

If a competitor withdraws at least 23 days prior to event day they have the option of a credit or refund:

  • Credit: Credit towards another Rapid Ascent event – less a 10% administration fee
  • Refund: A refund will be offered, less 25% administration fee

If a competitor withdraws less than 23 days before event day:

  • No credits or refunds will be issued

Refunds/credits must be requested in writing via [email protected]
A refund cannot be granted once a credit has been issued.

Pregnancy Policy

If a female entrant is forced to withdraw due to pregnancy, they have the following entry options:

  • Credit: Receive a credit towards another Rapid Ascent event – less a 10% administration fee
  • Refund: Receive a refund of the entry fee paid, less 10% administration fee
  • Entry Deferral: A guaranteed entry into the same race at the same entry fee will be offered for the following year.

Transfer Policy

  • Providing there are spaces available, a runner may transfer from 100km to 50km before 23 days prior to the event and receive a refund of the difference in entry fee, less a $15 transfer fee. If changing after this date, the difference between the two entry fees will not be refunded/credited.
  • Providing there are spaces available, a runner may transfer from a lower entry fee event to a higher entry fee event up to 23 days prior to the event for the cost of the increase in entry fee only – no admin fee will be charged. Any entry changes requested after this date will incur a $15 fee.


  • If the event is deemed unsafe or unable to be held on the proposed date, the following steps shall be followed:
    • Rapid Ascent will endeavor to reschedule the event to another date with all entries carrying over to the new date
    • If you are unable to attend the newly proposed date no refunds will be made
  • If the event cannot be rescheduled for any reason, Rapid Ascent will refund your entry fee, less an administration fee (see above).
  • Note:
    • In all other circumstances it should be assumed that the event is still going ahead UNLESS otherwise stated
    • Rapid Ascent reserves the right to alter or amend the originally proposed course(s) from that which was published on the event website for any reason
    • Advice of any event postponement or change will be made on the front page of the event website as early as possible before the event, and will be posted to the official race notice board at the registration marquee.