Competitor Services

Quick Links to text below (contents):

Event Centre – Anglesea Green

The Surf Coast Century starts and finishes at the pleasant seaside town of Anglesea on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, approximately 1.5hrs drive from Melbourne.

The Anglesea Green will host the event centre with the following services:

  • FINISH line for races – 100km and 50km
  • Mid-way point for the 100km course and Check Point 4 (CP4) with associated services
  • Race Registration, Athlete Recovery Centre and information marquees
  • Event Expo with extensive displays by our event sponsors and exhibitors (Friday night through to Saturday evening)
  • Event bar, food and coffee from a range of providers
  • Music and commentary on the race finish and a range of kids activities

Anglesea Township Map – Click Here (includes Parking, Start & Event Centre locations)

Absolutely amazing event! First time I did 100km and couldn’t have imagined doing it anywhere else! (Daniel, 2022 Participant)

Race Starts – NEW procedure

A NEW start procedure will be introduced for 2025 to minimise congestion on the course.

The 100km and 50km races will start across 3 different wave per race (fast start / medium start / slow start) alternating from one race to the other at 8 min intervals. This is for all competitors, solo and team runners, however you MUST select the race start time that best suits your ability, as follows:

  1. 6:30am – 100KM fast start: for 100km solos and relay runners who are fit, move well, and who are here for a solid effort (ie. the fastest 30% of the field).
  2. 6:38am – 50KM fast start: for 50km solos who are fit, move well, and who are here for a solid effort (ie. the fastest 30% of the field).
  3. 6:46am – 100KM medium start: for mid pack 100km solo and relay runners.
  4. 6:54am – 50KM medium start: for mid pack 50km solo runners.
  5. 7:02am – 100KM slow start: for more leisurely 100km solo and relay runners who know they have a big day ahead and understand the need to pace themselves. (ie. the slowest 30% of the field)
  6. 7:10am Start – 50KM slow start: for the more leisurely third of the 50km solo runners. (ie. the slowest 30% of the field)

Your race ‘TIME’ does not start until you cross the start mat and will be calculated accordingly in results, and at the finish line. So no matter what group you start, it makes no difference to your overall results.

Cut off times are also calculated as of the last wave start in each race.

Competitor Registration and Briefing – 100km & 50km

3:00pm – 7:00pm, Friday at Anglesea Green (event centre)

All solo competitors MUST attend registration to collect their race pack (someone may collect it on your behalf).
Teams: one team member may collect the race pack for other team members

LATE REGISTRATION on Saturday 13th September (by prior arrangement only: e-mail [email protected])

  • 6:00am – 7:00am: on the Anglesea main beach adjacent the start line (NOT at the event centre)

Competitor Briefing

Friday – Anglesea Green

The briefing will be conducted in the expo area at the Anglesea Green and we encourage all 100km and 50km runners (especially solo runners) to attend.

  • 5:30pm Athlete Q & A session – all welcome
  • 6.00pm Friday – Competitor Briefing

Who knew Victoria has this special place we could run a 100km trails along – it’s an incredible journey we should all be part of! (Nancy, 2024 First-time Participant)


We understand that the challenge of competing in the 100km and 50km Surf Coast Century is hard enough without having to juggle difficult logistics and event requirements on the day. As such, we will be providing the following services to competitors to help make your run as enjoyable, and straight forward as possible.

Recovery marquee

A dedicated recovery area will be set up in the event expo to help runners overcome the physical feats of their run.

Free beers in the expo

Local brewery and event sponsors Blackmans Brewery is giving everyone a free beer at the finish line to help you celebrate your achievements. Enjoy a free beverage at the line and then head to one of their venues in Torquay, Grovedale or Ocean Grove to continue celebrations! And…

Australian Sports Beer (another awesome event sponsor) are offering a free 0% alcohol beer to all runners from their expo stand during the event on Friday and Saturday as well. Have a chat to Barry about the added electrolytes and recovery properties in his beers.

Bag Transport

We will transport a bag (that may have spare clothing, personal nutrition, supplies…) from Anglesea to each of the check points and back again.

Bags will be transported from Registration in Anglesea to:

  • CP2 – the 21km point at Torquay Surf Beach (Rotary Rotunda at the back of the Torquay SLSC)
  • CP3 – the 31km point at Ironbark Basin
  • CP4 – the 49km point at the Anglesea Green (note – you can also drop these off yourself as CP4 is immediately adjacent to the expo)
  • CP6 – the 77km point at the Moggs Creek Picnic Ground (End of Boyd Ave).

Support crews / team mates can also take bags to any of the checkpoints CP1 – CP7 and can give them to runners directly, and take them away again after their runner has come through the checkpoint.

On course nutrition and hydration

Food and drinks will be available at each of the following checkpoints on the 100km (50km CP1 to 3 only):

  • CP1 – 10km Point Addis car park
  • CP2 – 21km at Torquay Surf Beach (Rotary Rotunda)
  • CP3 – 31km Ironbark Basin picnic area
  • CP3a – 40km in Eumeralla. Unmanned water point only.
  • CP4 – 48km at Anglesea Green
  • CP4a – 58km at the junction of Loves Track and the Distillery Creek Road. Unmanned water point only.
  • CP5 – 68km Distillery Creek Picnic Ground
  • CP6 – 75km at Moggs Creek Picnic Ground
  • CP7 – 84km Aireys Inlet Skate Park .

All competitors, both relay teams and individuals are welcome to access all food at the CPs.

Race food will be equally available to 50km runners and 100km runners.

Race Food

The following race foods and items will be available at all checkpoints (excluding unmanned water points):

  • Skratch nutrition products incl electrolyte & carb drink powder that will be in bulk bags that can be made up to your own preferred concentration. It will NOT be pre-mixed
  • Boiled potatoes with butter and salt
  • Savoy biscuits / chips / crackers – savoury
  • Snakes / jelly babies
  • Bananas, oranges, watermelon
  • Fruit cake
  • Oat slice / Anzac type biscuit
  • Sandwiches – Vegemite, Vegemite & cheese, jam, cheese
  • Risotto/fried rice (in a cup) – CP6 only
  • Minestrone style coup – CP6 only
  • Two minute noodles – CP6 only
  • Hot water and cups so you can make your own tea and instant coffee – CP6 only
  • Coke (in paper cups) – CP6 & CP7 only
  • Water
  • Sunscreen
  • Hand Sanitizer

The Surf Coast Century has different type of trails being technical and hard. Runners are able to admire a splendid sunrise. The views from the beach along the cliffs are awesome. Arriving on the finish line in Anglesea in the middle of cheering supporters is such rewarding. – (George, 2023 100km Solo Runner)


Athlete Q & A

When: 5:30pm Friday
Where: At the expo at Anglesea Green.

Come and hear from some of our athletes talk through their training, race strategy and other aspects. Held immediately prior to the Competitor Briefing

Pre Race Pasta Dinner 6:30pm onwards Friday 12th Sept at the Anglesea Hotel

Meet up with other runners at the Anglesea Hotel for a pre-race pasta meal. For $29.50pp you can choose from an extensive menu of pasta dishes that make for ideal carb-loading for race day. Prebookings greatly preferred by calling 03 5263 1210. (Located opposite the event centre and shops at 1 Murch Crescent).

Celebration Sunday – Recovery morning

Join us for a post race war stories, stretching session and invigorating swim to kick start your recovery and share in the celebrations on Sunday morning followed by breakfast options from the refurbished Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club.

9:00am – 9:30am on the lawn at the Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club. Bring a yoga mat and/or beach towel if you have one handy.

from 9:00am at Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club for breakfast options.

Race presentations 10:00am SUNDAY at Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club

Presentations for the Surf Coast Century will be made at the Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club at 10:00am on Sunday morning. These presentations will provide an opportunity for all runners to unite and celebrate their ultra trail running success.