Equipment and Safety


The weather in the Otway Ranges and Coastline around Anglesea can be magnificent in September, but it can also be very miserable – wet, cold and windy or warm. You can assume that the race will go ahead no matter what the weather, so we encourage you to be sensible about the gear you take and match it to the conditions expected on the day.

The equipment list below should be seen as a bare minimum but we leave it to your common sense to take additional items if you think they are needed.

Mandatory Gear list for all runners at all times, irrespective of category:

The following gear list is for all individuals doing either the 100km or the 50k course, and for all team runners. (Team runners may pass this gear from one runner to another whilst at a transition).

  • Race number plate. To be worn on your front, attached to the outermost garment at all times.
    • Our suggested way of wearing this is on a thin, elastic piece of cord or a triathlon band, as this will allow you to easily have it on the outside no matter what you are wearing without having to fiddle with safety pins.
  • First Aid Kit (minimum contents 2 x crepe bandages, 6 x wound closure strips, 1 x triangular bandage, 2 x non stick wound dressing pads and a pair of surgical gloves)
  • Space blanket (For Sale at Race Registration, $7ea | OR via the Merchandise page)
  • A whistle (For Sale at Race Registration, $5ea | OR via the Merchandise page)
  • Mobile phone (Telstra Next G recommended)
  • 1 x windproof jacket – Goretex or similar waterproof / breathable fabric strongly recommended. (We suggest the Outdoor Research Helium Jacket at Bogong)
  • Water container minimum 750ml capacity (may be a water bottle or bladder in a backpack)
  • A head torch when on the trail before sunrise (6:27am) or after sunset 6:12pm. Must be sufficiently bright to light the track at least 50m ahead of you and sufficient battery power to get you to the finish line. (We suggest the FENIX HL18R-T at Bogong).

    GEAR CHECKS: Mandatory Gear Checks will take place sporadically on course at various points (not disclosed!). A 30 minute time penalty will apply for items found missing and you will not be allowed to continue until the item is replaced.

    “To be advised” gear list

    The following item MAY BE MANDATORY depending on the weather forecast for race day. Runners should be prepared to have this item, with final confirmation given 2 days before race day:

    • 1 long sleeve thermal top (polypropylene, wool or similar). Note: cotton, lycra or any ‘compressions’ garments do not qualify. (Mont Power Dry recommneded from Bogong)

    Recommended Gear List, additional to the items listed above:

    • Additional clothing to match the conditions expected on the day – this may vary from water proof pants to a sun hat and sunscreen. BE SENSIBLE.
    • Beanie or balaclava
    • Thermal gloves
    • Spare running shoes and socks after Leg 1 (you WILL get wet feet!)
    • Water proof bag or snaplock for your mobile phone
    • Food and additional water / hydration
    • Hat and sunglasses
    • Vaseline, Body Glide or other body lubricant
    • Sports injury tape (like Elastoplast)

    We discourage the use of MP3 players. There will be plenty of birds and wildlife to listen to and they distract your awareness of your surroundings – like cars. They may also get wet on Leg 1.

    Equipment and supplier recommendations

    Bogong Equipment – recommended retailer

    Bogong Equipment is the official retailer for the Surf Coast Century and we encourage all runners to support those who support the event by buying your gear through this terrific outdoor retailer.

    They have an extensive online store at and a terrific store at 374 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne. Tel: 03 9600 0599 Email:

    La Sportiva – official shoe brand

    La Sportiva is the official trail running shoe of the Surf Coast Century. With a long heritage in mountain sports – especially trail running – they know what it takes to build a good shoe that can last ultra-distances.

    La Sportiva expanded their trail footwear to include shoes that are even more suited to flatter, faster paced trails away from the mountains and in particular they recommend the Akasha Mens and Womens or the Helios Mens and Womens

    Check out their full line-up here and purchase them from Bogong Equipment here.

    How to choose the right shoes

    There are so many different types and styles of running shoe on the market these days that it’s hard to determine which is the most appropriate for the running you do.

    … until now. Here is an article that clearly explains the different features of a shoe and what’s best for each style of running – from long distance to short, cushioning to heal drop.

    Prepared by La Sportiva (our footwear partner) this provides some great information for all runners. Read their advice HERE.


    The race directors can be called at any point if you are involved with or hear of any incident on the course that needs our attention via: John Jacoby: 0408 035 261 or Sam Maffett: 0400 001 786. These numbers are printed on the back of your race number plate.

    Running below the cliffs

    All competitors should be aware of the risks associated with running below ocean sea cliffs (such as rock fall, cliff collapse, being marooned against the cliffs by an incoming tide…) and be confident with the level of precaution taken by race organisers and themselves to mitigate these risks. If a competitor is uncomfortable about the conditions they encounter it is up to them to raise their concerns with race management.

    Rapid Ascent advises the following guidelines to competitors to help mitigate and mange any risks associated with running below cliffs:

    • Do not stop when running below cliffs (as this increases the time you are at risk).
    • Remain as far away from the base of the cliff as possible.
    • If you see / hear a rock falling then shout ROCK to all other competitors to make them aware of the danger.
    • If the route has been blocked by a cliff collapse then backtrack along the base of the cliff, telling all other competitors to also turn around rather than climbing over the debris.
    • If you see or hear of a dangerous rock fall then keep moving to a safe spot and then call Race Management.
    • Remain aware of time frames and rising tide. If you think you could be marooned, call Race Management and discuss your alternatives. If you cannot get through, then backtrack to a safe spot.

    Rapid Ascent is conducting the race through the “at risk” sections at low tide and also monitoring the cliffs for any signs of weakness and / or weather conditions that may increase the risk of rock fall (such as extremely wet weather and / or big swell and high tides) and may alter the course if it is deemed that the risks are too high. Rapid Ascent has carried out an independent assessment of the cliff stability to comply with permit requirements which gave the go ahead for this section of course.

    NOTE: The section of beach below ‘Demon’s Bluff’ just east of the Anglesdea Rivermouth is now officially closed and should not be visitied due to the extreme risk of rockfall and cliff collapse. The SCC course no longer goes under these cliffs for that reason .


    Event withdrawal for emergency purposes – severe injury
    If you have a serious injury whilst out on the course we suggest the following procedures:

    • If you are able and without incurring further injury, move off the actual line of travel so you are out of the way of other runners and cannot cause further injury to yourself or others.
    • Stay on the course / track at all times – do not try and find your own way to a road by cutting ‘cross country’.
    • Call the race directors using the mobile phone that is part of your compulsory equipment (whose numbers are printed on the back of your number plate – Sam Maffett: 0400 001 786 or John Jacoby: 0408 035 261) to request assistance. Also seek assistance from other runners as they come past – tell them to relay a message forward to the next marshal and checkpoint confirming your location and suspected injuries.
    • Stay calm; use your First Aid Kit. Help will be on its way as soon as possible.

    Event withdrawal for non emergency reasons
    If you wish to withdraw from the event because of fatigue or injury or any other reason AFTER YOU HAVE REGISTERED please tell a race official. We need to keep track of where all runners are out on the course, so if you wake up on Saturday morning (having registered on Friday) with the flu and will not be competing please tell us so we know you will not be on the course.

    If you started the race and are out on the course and want to withdraw please tell the next marshal. MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE NEAREST TRANSITION AREA as indicated in the directions above. For non emergency withdrawals we can only arrange for a ‘grim sweeper’ to come and pick you up from a checkpoint rather than anywhere on the course.

    If you get lost or lose the trail
    If you think you are lost or have gone the wrong way we suggest you follow these procedures.

    • STOP! Sit down, have a drink of water and assess the situation with a clear mind. Consider where you are
    • Think about where you last saw a course marker – how far back do you think it was (200m, 700m or 2km?) Are there other foot prints along the track where you are?
    • When you are certain you have gone wrong backtrack along the exact route you came. Be aware of how far back you have gone and try to limit yourself to what you decided. Look at your watch for time and to estimate distance.
    • STAY ON TRACKS AT ALL TIMES – do not try and cut cross country back to a track or take a short cut.

    Mobile phone coverage
    Mobile coverage across the course is very good (best with Telstra) so if you have any issues then call for assistance.


    We are in constant communication with DELWP, Parks Victoria (PV) and the CFA about the prospect of a fire and / or extreme weather in the region of the event. We have made a commitment not to compromise the safety of any competitors, any CFA, PV or DELWP personnel dispatched to attend a fire or weather incident, any private land owners or the wilderness and surrounding areas as a result of the Surf Coast Century.

    As a result, there is a chance that the course could change on the day or the event could be cancelled. The event will only be cancelled if there are extreme weather conditions in the area over the entire weekend and it is determined that the danger is too great to permit runners to go through the course.

    Any change of course, evacuation or event cancellation will be communicated to competitors as soon and as safely as possible, through any of the following means:

    • SMS sent to competitors mobile phones
    • At the event registration area on Friday evening in Anglesea
    • When runners are assembled at the start line
    • When runners pass a transition area
    • Directional arrows stating “Emergency – proceed direct to Finish”
    • All messages will be copied and placed on the official event notice board in front of the registration area at the Anglesea Riverbank Park and on the event website at

    Once again, these changes would be a last resort, but we respect your safety, the landowners, residents, flora and fauna of this beautiful part of the world in extreme circumstances.